Home » The business with the luxury good “horse” is booming

The business with the luxury good “horse” is booming

by Michelle Breitenfeld
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Despite the Corona pandemic, the business with the luxury good horse is growing. Last year, the four-legged friends were traded at a significantly higher price than at the beginning of COVID-19, as an evaluation by the world’s leading online horse market ehorses shows.

Georgsmarienhütte/Germany.  Although the Corona pandemic leads to numerous restrictions, business with the luxury good “horse” is booming.  At ehorses, the total trading volume of all horses for sale hired has increased significantly during the last two “Corona years”. While this was 668,553,855 in 2020, the trading volume for horses for sale in 2021 is 815,168,886. Compared to 2020, which was marked by the pandemic, this results in a growth of almost 22 percent. A horse cost an average of 12,749 euros in 2021, more than 2000 euros more than in the previous year (10,701 euros).

“Prices on the (international) horse market are at a record level due to the Corona pandemic. Within the last two years, we have seen a significant increase in sale prices – both at home and abroad. Furthermore, people are many more open to modern sales channels and are increasingly taking advantage of the online sales world,” says Lena Büker, CEO of ehorses.

While prices have risen, the average duration of advertisements on the sales platform has dropped significantly. A horse for sale was advertised on ehorses for an average of 57.85 days until it was sold – in 2021, the average is only 35.50 days. So not only are people willing to spend more money on horses, but the general demand is significantly higher than in the previous year.

About the company: ehorses GmbH & Co. KG

ehorses was founded in 1999 as the first horse market on the internet and has specialized in the successful brokerage of horses worldwide. Since its founding, ehorses has developed into the market leader in the field of “horse marketing on the internet” through more than 20 years of expertise. ehorses is an indispensable player in the horse scene. Every 20 minutes, a horse is sold via ehorses.

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