Home » Heartbreaking story! French bulldogs as family substitute for miniature horse

Heartbreaking story! French bulldogs as family substitute for miniature horse

by Maria Filimonenko
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Heartbreaking story from California! A mini horse was abandoned by its mother. But the sweet angel is in luck. A lovely family with three bulldogs takes care of the little horse now! Curious how it happened? Read until the end!

When the miniature horse was born he was named Peabody. At the age of six weeks, his weight was 8,6 kg and he was almost 42 cm small. Unfortunately, Peabody’s mother abandoned him due to his tiny size and unability to nurse. Vets said that he has to be euthanized, and that was a changing moment in the life of Peabody.

Faith Smith became the new owner of the mini, which meant that he moved to California. Due to various health issues such as having a jaw out of line, unability to walk, probably deafness and blindness which were mentioned by previous owners, Peabody was living inside the house. The mini had to share the house with three French Bulldogs.

In the beginning, Peabody was nervous around dogs, however throughout the time they became good friends and played games. The mini felt loved. Furthermore, his jaw began to align, he was not completely blind and got special shoes to be able to walk.

Millions of fans accross the world

After posting videos of Peabody on TikTok, he became a viral sensation and got a special name from his fans – “Lil Pea”. His videos were getting over 360 million views, he was a guest at the Kelly Klarkson Show, had his own merchandise, and was just a celebrity.

Unluckily, as a dwarf horse, he kept having different health issues. Despite that, he was full of life and kept playing with the French Bulldogs. Being only 4 months old, Peabody passed away which was a major tragedy for his owner and his fans.

It is extremely sad that this story does not have a happy ending, but it can definetely be said that Peabody’s short presence in this world made millions of people happy!

Source: Horsey Hooves

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