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This music can influence horses in a positive way

by Marie Arensmann
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A recently released musical soundtrack is said to help relax stressed horses. According to various studies, specially composed music can influence horses in a positive way. 

The music track from the company ‘Pet Acoustics’ was composed by a behaviorist, composer, and founder of Pet Acoustics Inc., Janet Marlow. It combines calming rhythms and melodies that are said to have a relaxing effect on horses through certain pitches, tones, and frequencies, thus reducing stress. 

Studies prove that music can relax horses

Some studies have already proven that music can actually have a positive effect on the well-being of horses. This works because sounds and vibrations from the outside are neutralized, causing a positive and relaxing effect. The most recent study on this was conducted in 2017 by scientists from the Polish University of Life Sciences in Lublin. Within this study, 120 thoroughbred Arabians, between 28 and 31 months old, were examined over a period of 6 months.

The scientists measured the influence of relaxing massages and music in the stable on the stress level of horses. For this purpose, the horses were taken to the Słužewiec racecourse in Warsaw and were randomly divided into a music group, a massage group, and a control group. They were then regularly trained and participated in races. By conducting a monthly saliva test that determined cortisol concentration, it was found that both music and massage led to a significant reduction in the stress hormone cortisol

Stress is bad for equine health

Triggers for stress in horses can be many things. Especially loud things like fireworks or thunderstorms often cause panic in the animals. According to a study, stress not only has a negative impact on the health of horses but can even cause stomach ulcers to develop in as little as five days. That’s why Marlow composed music that modifies the decibel and frequency level of each note according to the horse’s hearing range, to help manage stress in horses. 

The music track developed by Pet Acoustics for relaxing horses can be listened to here.

Source: study, horsetalk.co.nz

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