Home » Horse racing day canceled after two bad crashes

Horse racing day canceled after two bad crashes

by Jil Wiedemann

Two accidents occurred at the Badenia Race Days in Mannheim (Germany) at the Badenia racing-club. The jockey Tommaso Scardino had to be transported to hospital by helicopter.

On the first day of racing, jockey Scardini crashed in a tight bend. He was riding the horse Lucky Lips. Scardino received two kicks and suffered a fractured cheekbone and concussion as a result. He had to be taken away by rescue helicopter and was flown to hospital.

Second crash

In the second race, there was another crash at the same spot. The spot was probably slippery. Otherwise, there were no special features to be noted on the inspection of the racing track. There were no serious injuries in this fall. In both falls, the horses did not suffer any injuries. Nevertheless, the race day was stopped.

The riders and trainers refused to continue the race. The damaged area was filled with sand, but this was not considered helpful. The next race at the racecourse in Mannheim is on 16 June.

Source: SWR Aktuell

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