Westphalian Gelding 7 years 16 hh Brown in Pelmberg
Westphalian Gelding 7 years 16 hh Brown in Pelmberg
Westphalian Gelding 7 years 16 hh Brown in Pelmberg
Westphalian Gelding 7 years 16 hh Brown in Pelmberg
Westphalian Gelding 7 years 16 hh Brown in Pelmberg
Westphalian Gelding 7 years 16 hh Brown in Pelmberg
Westphalian Gelding 7 years 16 hh Brown in Pelmberg
Westphalian Gelding 7 years 16 hh Brown in Pelmberg
Westphalian Gelding 7 years 16 hh Brown in Pelmberg
Westphalian Gelding 7 years 16 hh Brown in Pelmberg
Westphalian Gelding 7 years 16 hh Brown in Pelmberg
Westphalian Gelding 7 years 16 hh Brown in Pelmberg



42 on wish list

7 jähriger Westfale

~ $6,923
Pferdeglück GmbH
4202 Hellmonsödt Austria
+43 (0)66... View All


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Further information

The origins of the Westphalian breeding lie in the founding of the state stud in Warendorf in 1826, the Breeders' Association itself was founded in 1904. By the end of the Second World War mainly heavier workhorses were bred there, which were used as carriage horses by farmers.Initially, a variety o ... More about the horse breed Westphalian
7 years
16 hh

suitable as school horse/pony

suitable for therapeutic riding

Reliable for trail riding

is allrounder

is easy to load

Stands for the farrier

Suitable for children

Equine Passport available

No eczema


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Creamy ist ein junger Wallach mit sehr guter Abstammung nach Catoki. Dieses super kompakte Pferd ist ca. 163 cm groß und top fit. Creamy wurde schonend angeritten und solide ausgebildet. Vor allem das Springen macht dem süßen Westfalen Spaß. Bei Trainings durfte er auch schon ein paar Mal sein Geschick in der Vielseitigkeit unter Beweis stellen. Im Umgang ist der Wallach verspielt.
Creamy ist gesund, derzeit beschlagen, geimpft und entwurmt. 

Weitere Infos und Reitvideos gerne per WhatsApp oder telefonisch unter: 00436603632373

Standort: Pelmberg 15/ OÖ
Besichtigung und Probereiten gerne nach Terminvereinbarung!

Der Transport des Pferdes kann gerne übernommen werden!
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Creamy is a young gelding with a very good pedigree after Catoki. This super compact horse is approx. 163 cm tall and in top condition. Creamy was gently broken in and solidly trained. This sweet Westphalian particularly enjoys jumping. He has also been able to demonstrate his eventing skills a few times during training. The gelding is playful in handling.
Creamy is healthy, currently shod, vaccinated and wormed.

Further information and riding videos are available via WhatsApp or by phone at: 00436603632373

Location: Pelmberg 15/ Upper Austria
Viewing and test riding by appointment!

Transportation of the horse can be arranged!
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Creamy es un joven castrado con un pedigrí muy bueno después de Catoki. Este caballo super compacto es de aprox. 163 cm de altura y en las mejores condiciones. Creamy fue domado con cuidado y entrenado sólidamente. Este dulce Westfaliano disfruta especialmente saltando. También ha podido demostrar sus aptitudes para el concurso completo en varias ocasiones durante el entrenamiento. El caballo castrado es juguetón en el manejo.
Creamy está sano, actualmente herrado, vacunado y desparasitado.

Más información y videos de equitación están disponibles a través de WhatsApp o por teléfono en: 00436603632373

Ubicación: Pelmberg 15/ Alta Austria
Visita y prueba de equitación con cita previa.

¡Se puede organizar el transporte del caballo!
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Creamy è un giovane castrone con un ottimo pedigree dopo Catoki. Questo cavallo super compatto è alto circa 163 cm ed è in ottime condizioni. Creamy è stato addestrato dolcemente e in modo solido. Questo dolce Westfalia ama particolarmente il salto. Durante l'addestramento ha anche potuto dimostrare alcune volte le sue capacità di eventing. Il castrone è giocoso nella gestione.
Creamy è sano, attualmente ferrato, vaccinato e sverminato.

Ulteriori informazioni e video di equitazione sono disponibili via WhatsApp o per telefono a: 00436603632373

Località: Pelmberg 15/Austria Superiore
Visita e prova su appuntamento!

Il trasporto del cavallo può essere organizzato!
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Creamy is een jonge ruin met een zeer goede afstamming naar Catoki. Dit supercompacte paard is ongeveer 163 cm groot en in topconditie. Creamy is voorzichtig ingereden en solide opgeleid. Deze lieve Westfaler geniet vooral van springen. Tijdens de training heeft hij ook al een paar keer zijn eventingvaardigheden kunnen laten zien. De ruin is speels in de omgang.
Creamy is gezond, momenteel beslagen, gevaccineerd en ontwormd.

Meer informatie en rijvideo's zijn beschikbaar via WhatsApp of telefonisch op: 00436603632373

Plaats: Pelmberg 15/ Opper-Oostenrijk
Bezichtigen en proefrijden op afspraak!

Transport van het paard kan geregeld worden!
Pferdeglück GmbH
4202 Hellmonsödt

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Pferdeglück GmbH
4202 Hellmonsödt

