Westphalian Mare 4 years 16,1 hh Brown in Wysin

22 on wish list

Stute, geb. 2021, von Nixon van't Meulenhof /Comme il Faut

~ $20,235 Negotiable
Elisabeth Mallert
21224 Rosengarten Germany
+49 (0)17... View All


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Further information

The origins of the Westphalian breeding lie in the founding of the state stud in Warendorf in 1826, the Breeders' Association itself was founded in 1904. By the end of the Second World War mainly heavier workhorses were bred there, which were used as carriage horses by farmers.Initially, a variety o ... More about the horse breed Westphalian
4 years
16.1 hh
Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.

suitable for beginners

is broken-in

Reliable for trail riding

is allrounder

is easy to load


Stands for the farrier

Directly from the breeder

Equine Passport available

No eczema


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Stute, geb. 2021, von Nixon van't Meulenhof aus einer Mutter von Comme il Faut x Voltaire Die Stute wird voraussichtlich etwa 168 cm groß. Ihr Vater, Nixon van't Meulenhof, ist ein FEI 1.60m Springhengst, bekannt für seine Erfolge.  Die Mutter, Carthiny Z von Carthago x Lys de Darmen, ist die Mutter von Emerald van't Ruytershof ,von Diamant de Semilly und Diamanthina van't Ruytershof ,von Diamant de Semilly.  
Die Mutter der Stute, Cometa, startet derzeit in Springprüfungen bis 1,20 m. Von der mütterlichen Seite stammen ebenfalls Pferde: Casillero (1,50 m, international) und Cornitu (1,45 m). Nixon Comila ist angeritten, sehr brav, und verfügt über viel Power und gute Sprungtechnik. 
TÜV I von 4.12.2024 ohne Befund.
HorseTelex: https://www.horsetelex.de/horses/pedigree/2643487/nixon-comila
Standort: Wysin Polen
Kontakt: +49 1724271763
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Mare, born 2021, by Nixon van't Meulenhof out of a dam by Comme il Faut x Voltaire The mare is expected to be around 168 cm tall. Her sire, Nixon van't Meulenhof, is an FEI 1.60m show jumping stallion known for his successes.  Her dam, Carthiny Z by Carthago x Lys de Darmen, is the dam of Emerald van't Ruytershof, by Diamant de Semilly and Diamanthina van't Ruytershof, by Diamant de Semilly.  
The mare's dam, Cometa, is currently competing in show jumping competitions up to 1.20 m. The dam's side also has horses: Casillero (1.50 m, international) and Cornitu (1.45 m). Nixon Comila is broken in, very well-behaved and has a lot of power and good jumping technique.
TÜV I FROM 4.12.2024
HorseTelex: https://www.horsetelex.de/horses/pedigree/2643487/nixon-comila
Location: Wysin Poland
Contact: +49 1724271763
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Yegua, nacida en 2021, de Nixon van't Meulenhof de una madre de Comme il Faut x Voltaire Se espera que la yegua mida unos 168 cm. Su padre, Nixon van't Meulenhof, es un semental de salto FEI de 1,60 m conocido por sus éxitos.  Su madre, Carthiny Z por Carthago x Lys de Darmen, es la madre de Emerald van't Ruytershof, por Diamant de Semilly y Diamanthina van't Ruytershof, por Diamant de Semilly.  
La madre de la yegua, Cometa, compite actualmente en concursos de salto hasta 1,20 metros. Por parte de madre también tiene caballos: Casillero (1,50 m, internacional) y Cornitu (1,45 m). Nixon Comila está domado, se porta muy bien y tiene mucha potencia y buena técnica de salto.
TÜV I A PARTIR DEL 4.12.2024
HorseTelex: https://www.horsetelex.de/horses/pedigree/2643487/nixon-comila
Ubicación: Wysin Polonia
Contacto: +49 1724271763
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Cavalla, nata nel 2021, di Nixon van't Meulenhof da una madre di Comme il Faut x Voltaire La cavalla dovrebbe essere alta circa 168 cm. Il suo padre, Nixon van't Meulenhof, è uno stallone FEI da 1,60 m noto per i suoi successi.  La sua madre, Carthiny Z da Carthago x Lys de Darmen, è la madre di Emerald van't Ruytershof, da Diamant de Semilly e Diamanthina van't Ruytershof, da Diamant de Semilly.  
La madre della cavalla, Cometa, gareggia attualmente in competizioni di salto ostacoli fino a 1,20 metri. Dalla parte della madre ci sono anche i cavalli Casillero (1,50 m, internazionale) e Cornitu (1,45 m). Nixon Comila è rodato, molto ben educato e dotato di molta potenza e buona tecnica di salto.
TÜV I dal 4.12.2024 senza rilievi.
HorseTelex: https://www.horsetelex.de/horses/pedigree/2643487/nixon-comila
Posizione: Wysin Polonia
Contatto: +49 1724271763
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Merrie, geboren 2021, van Nixon van't Meulenhof uit een moeder van Comme il Faut x Voltaire De merrie wordt naar verwachting rond de 168 cm groot. Haar vader, Nixon van't Meulenhof, is een FEI 1.60m springhengst die bekend staat om zijn successen.  Haar moeder, Carthiny Z van Carthago x Lys de Darmen, is de moeder van Emerald van't Ruytershof, v. Diamant de Semilly en Diamanthina van't Ruytershof, v. Diamant de Semilly.  
De moeder van de merrie, Cometa, doet momenteel mee aan springwedstrijden tot 1.20 meter. Van moederskant zijn er ook paarden: Casillero (1.50 m, internationaal) en Cornitu (1.45 m). Nixon Comila is ingereden, zeer braaf en heeft veel vermogen en een goede springtechniek.
TÜV I van 4.12.2024 zonder bevindingen.
HorseTelex: https://www.horsetelex.de/horses/pedigree/2643487/nixon-comila
Locatie: Wysin Polen
Contact: +49 1724271763
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Klacz urodzona w 2021 roku, po Nixon van't Meulenhof od matki Comme il Faut x Voltaire Oczekuje się, że klacz będzie miała około 168 cm wzrostu. Jej ojciec, Nixon van't Meulenhof, to znany ze swoich sukcesów ogier skokowy FEI o długości 1,60 m.  Jej matka, Carthiny Z po Carthago x Lys de Darmen, jest matką Emerald van't Ruytershof po Diamant de Semilly i Diamanthiny van't Ruytershof po Diamant de Semilly.  
Matka klaczy, Cometa, startuje obecnie w konkursach skoków przez przeszkody do 1,20 metra. Po stronie matki również znajdują się konie: Casillero (1,50 m, międzynarodowy) i Cornitu (1,45 m). Nixon Comila jest zajeżdżona, bardzo grzeczna, ma dużo siły i dobrą technikę skoku.
TÜV I OD 4.12.2024
HorseTelex: https://www.horsetelex.de/horses/pedigree/2643487/nixon-comila
Lokalizacja: Wysin Polska
Kontakt: +49 1724271763



Nixon van't Meulenhof
Denzel van't MeulenhoCarthina Z
Maurius ClaudiusCARTHAGO


Elisabeth Mallert
21224 Rosengarten
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21224 Rosengarten
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